Practice typing punctuation with skill. Do you know how many spaces there are after a full stop, question mark, exclamation mark or a simple comma.
Learning to type is not all. Practice typing punctuation can help the reader to understand clearly what is being said instead of trying to figure it out . Punctuation is the key to reading in a meaningful way. Remember your objective is to convey thoughts correctly not merely to type words.
Punctuation is an important element of written language. Punctuation may indicate where to pause, how long to pause when reading. If you fail to change tone when required by the punctuation it can change a statement into a question or it may change the meaning altogether. Be sure to get acquainted with the way punctuation is used in the English language. After you finished typing a correspondence make sure and read it through to make sure what is typewritten makes sense.
No spaces after
Do not leave any space before the percentage % sign. Leave one space after it.
e.g. 15% off
To space out letters leave one or two spaces after each letter and 3 or 4 spaces after each word. There are no specific rule for spaced capitals. You have to use your discretion according to layout or house rules. House rules are your first choice in everything you do.
A Dash
After main headings
After complimentary close
When typing numbers you may adopt one of two methods:
Either use a comma to separate millions from thousands and thousands from hundreds e.g. 1,250,000 150,234
Or you can use commas to separate millions from thousands and thousands from hundreds
e.g. 1 250 000 150 234
Numbers of five figures or more should be typed in groups of 3 figures separated by a single space
4-figure numbers should not be spaced
e.g. 1 250 000 125 550 1576
When typing years, do not use a comma or a space between thousands and hundreds e.g. 1980 1990 2010